About LifeSpark

LifeSparks mission is to empower highly successful executives and leaders to identify and let go of the thoughts that derail them when taking on more responsibility. Our goal is to help leaders make smooth effortless transitions into higher levels of leadership.

Our Founder and CEO, Sarah Witt has spent the last 20 years leading, coaching and mentoring leaders from first time managers to CEO's and top-level executives. She has repeatedly been recognized as a Top 10 Corporate Leader meeting the highest standards for employee engagement.

From our Founder: Sarah Witt

A few years ago I was given an opportunity to step up in a big way within my company. A CEO was leaving and we needed an interim CEO until they could determine the next steps. I remember the utter panic that set in when I was notified I would be given the chance to perform this role. I immediately had thoughts like...what have I done? What if I can't do this? What if I fail? I was immediately filled with dread. The anxiety and imposter syndrome that come with promoting into leadership roles, and executive leadership roles is real. Even for the most successful performers with years of successful leadership under their belts!! I used every tool I could come up with to overcome this anxiety in order to hit the ground confidently and was ultimately successful. I decided then, my real passion was to coach high performing executives to work through the anxiety and self doubt that accompanies a transition, promotion and taking on new responsibilities.

Fear, anxiety and self-doubt are completely normal for executives making transitions at all levels, and I have been very successful at helping leaders work through the distorted narratives we tell ourselves during these times.

A little bit about me personally. I have a Master's Degree in Human Resource Develpment and I am currently a Sr. Director of Human Resources and in house Executive Coach for a large Not for Profit Healthcare system.

One of my life's greatest achievements wasn't at work, it was getting sober in 2019. That decision has impacted my entire life and career so immensely.

Leadership is hard, life is hard, and we have to master our mindset to go out and get the life and career we want.

I have a knack for helping highly successful leaders take intentional actions to master their mindset, find their footing fast and excel in their new roles. I'd love to help you.